Be consistent in doing all the things you wish your real estate business was doing.

Run a Lead Generation Plan

Get Your Business Organized

Have a Systems For Everything

Let's Chat

Let's chat about what we could do for your business

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Are you the only one working to move your business forward?

Let us be your right-hand as you build your business.

Your Business Is Unique. So Is How We Help

We figure out what your business needs and customize it around you.

With all our clients we start with what you should do: Have a database with a touch plan, a plan for your business, and know your finances and numbers.


We will help you get organized and systematic around how you communicate with it so you can get new, repeat, and referral business without spending any more money.


Where are you going and where are you? If we know that we can chart a course to get there. We will make a plan to get from here to where you want to be and help you execute it.


P&L, conversation ratios, clients falling through the cracks, spending too much on something you don't use. We will handle the numbers so you can make business decisions.



1 - Book an appointment

Tell us about your vision and what you would like to accomplish this year, next year, and 5 years from now.

2 - We co-create a game plan to get there

We will create a one page plan to get you headed towards your goals and vision.

3 - We will own parts of the plan

Anything on the game plan that we can handle we will. You sit back and sell real estate while we get the details done.

4 - Accountability & Reporting

We will meet up weekly to make sure the plan is moving along. As well as we will work with you to build out reports for the business including a dashboard and financials.

"I got 5 leads within a week of starting and this is the first time I know my numbers!"

- Heather Groom

Heather hired an assistant that wasn't able to be consistent at sending out email newsletters. After the first week, we were able to create a custom newsletter and send it. She got 5 people reaching out to her looking to buy or sell.

"It's nice to have someone helping build out my vision."

- Courtney Nielsen

Courtney has a clear vision of what she wants. She is even talented enough to build it all out herself. She lacks the time to get everything done. That is where we have taken things off her plate so things move forward without her having to do everything.

We can reach out to you...

Let's chat about what we could do for your business

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

Talent on Retainer 2023.